a thriving community. It was less than thirty years after Jesus' return to heaven that the Jews rebelled against Rome. Rome came down on Israel with a vengeance and Gamla was the last village destroyed before Titus turned his attention to Jerusalem which ultimately lead to the destruction of the city and the temple. There were about 5,500 people killed in the battle at Gamla. The soldiers were driven to the top of the knob pictured here and most jumped to their deaths rather than fall into the hands of the Roman legions.
We later went to a place called Qazrin which was a Talmudic village. This was a wonderful and informative village demonstrating how the people lived during the time of Jesus. You see here a home much like what the people lived in during the time of Jesus. You can almost visualize Jesus teaching and pointing to items in the home (whether a lamp or a bushel) as part of His object lesson. Oh, by the way, you see here that the houses were made largely of stone. Jesus was likely a mason as well as being a carpentar which would explain how He drove the money changers out of temple. He was truly Mr. Universe...I love it!!! This place was also a reminder of the foolishness of man. We have the Bible which we read and depend on for our guidance. The religious Jews went beyound their scriptures (Torah - first five books of the Bible) and developed the Mishan (the oral law). The Talmud is the commentary by Rabbis on what each of the oral laws really meant. God had given them clear guidance in the law, but that was not enough apparently. It is another reminder of what man does with God's clear direction when they have a better idea. In fact, the rabbis determined that when the Sanhedrin had a majority opinion on some issue it was stronger than even God and that He would have to submit to their determination. Wow!!!! Watch out for the lightening. :-) It was a great encouragement to me concerning the freedom we have in Jesus whose burden it truly light. Those religious folks were invited to a wonderful party and they still haven't accepted that invitation. Boy, are they late the party. One day they will understand. Check out the book of Zechariah.
Remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the spiritual awakening of God's people. May you be blessed today in the name of Yeshua Ha Mashiach.
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