The story of Judges 19 about the Levite who journeyed to retrieve his wife in Bethlehem Judah played out within view of this hill. It is a grisly story, but also a reminder of the importance of starting our day early so that we can complete the journey that God has set before us. This man was only one day's journey from home, but he allowed himself to be sidetracked by ease and it cost him and the nation of Israel greatly. The psalmist rightly said, "...early will I seek thee...." May that be true of us.
Just below the Byzantine church picture here Solomon offered sacrifices to God after he became king of Israel. You can see the area of the altar where God blessed the offerings of Solomon's hands by meeting Solomon and speaking into his life. (in the background is the city of Ramallah) The sacrifices of praise, worship and service are pleasing to our Heavenly Father. I am fully convinced that worship is at the core of change and that change is an essential part of our Christian experience. Worship Him!
We journeyed on to Shiloh which was the capital of Israel from some 369 years. It is here that Eli and his sons served as priests before Jehovah. The site where the tabernacle set is extensive. It was here that the tabernacle had solid walls and the same roof coverings as the first tabernacle. Eli's sons Hophni and Phineas where not faithful men and they abused their position to take advantage of God's people and were ultimately judged by God as was their father Eli. You might remember that they took the arc from here into the battle with the Philistines as if it were some sort of lucky charm. They failed to understand that it was not the arc that had power, but the God whose glory rested above the mercy seat between the wings of the cherubim. I need to remember that God will never be put in a box. Oh, check out the picture just below. It is the mandrake plant that we read about in the story of Leah and Rachel. It grows to about one meter in height and it is the roots that were
Our last stop for the day was Bet Shean. The Philistines took the bodies of Saul and others here after their victory. This is only a small part of the area, but Paul may have been talking about the arena pictured when he told Timothy that the Lord had delivered him from the mouth of the lion.
May God be glorified in your life and man this day as we say, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow!" Be blessed in the name of Yeshua Ha Mashiach.
We love your insights and stories about your experiences! What a blessing to us all that you are sharing them with us! Enjoy the rest of your time, we are looking forward to your return!