Sunday, February 12, 2012

Hunger for the Word

We were at the farm for a second day of worship and study of the Word of God with the people from around the area.  What a great group the Lord has brought to share with us.  We are so blessed as we join them in worship of the God of the universe.  We are meeting in one of the huts on the farm.  People have been so excited about hearing from the Lord.  They challenge my heart as we watch them respond to the Spirit.  We spent two hours in the first session, had lunch which some....really enjoyed! Psst, don't tell Sabrina!  Actually we all have enjoyed the food prepared for us.  You really never know what is going to

appear, but the chef (Santa) did an outstanding job in cooking for our rather large group.  Thanks to all of these amazing servants of God.  Their willingness to serve us is a great blessing and encouragement.

The farm is prospering and is providing work and supply for the people of Kitgum.  They now have a well that is ninety feet deep.  It was dug by hand....can you imagine?  It is a testimony to perseverance and the faithfulness of God in providing water for the crops, workers and the McCourtney clan.  The McCourtneys and staff (including Brianna) will be moving to the farm in about two weeks so keep them in prayer.   It is an exciting time and a time of challenge.  But, the move will provide savings that can be used to further ministry at the farm and in the churches that have been planted.

God is at work and we are excited to be a part of it.  Continue to pray for us and the people with whom we come in contact.  May we be an encouragement to the church here.  Pray for the people of Uganda.

Sorry for the formatting problems.  Remember, it's grace!

1 comment:

  1. I finally read the instructions on how to post so I think I can manage it now. It was so great to hear from you last night. The church was all a-buzz about the blog and pictures, and blessed by the stories of the ministry and experiences you are all having. Bethany invited me for lunch which was nice and I really enjoyed the Sunday School kids. I'll have stories for you!
    Isn't God good!
